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Wednesday 31 March 2010

Widgets and gadgets

Had fun using the Blogger widgets and gadgets but a bit stuck over my del.icio.us boookmarks, must be time for lunch to refuel the brain

final task, my experience of 23 things and web 2.0

I've really enjoyed 23 things, its worked really well. I now love blogging, am an expert on facebook (even have my own garden -sad), have experimented with Delicious, Flickr, had fun on YouTube (yes I'm on it with my fiddle), listened to the Archers, not so sure about Twitter, got irritated by it (though that may have been the Friday afternoon when we had the rat problem!) Great, great give me more. Also interesting that loads of folk at the Librarians conference were talking about it too. Only problem, must now think about how to use it in Libraries!!!

Things 21,23 and 22. widgets and gadgets

Trying to finish me things before I run away to Yorkshire for the Easter hols without any computer connection whatsoever. So on to widgets and gadgets. Trouble is I'm off tomorrow and so running out of time so onward and upward, quick quick

Friday 26 March 2010

ThinkFree Office

Had problems with a message sayin that I have to Install JRE (Java runtime environment)so not able to do much with this one. I will need to ask the IT boys.

Google Docs

Ok so here I am with Google Docs, thing 19. It seems ok, I've created a document and a form and picked on a couple of people to send it to. Its much more fun than twitter, most go back and try tweeting again, but not on a Friday afternoon.

Friday 19 March 2010


Still trying to sort out the dead rat, what a stink in the library. Wilipedia is amazin. Having a look at some musical stuff and will have a go at editing soon


Been playing around with the Oxford web 2.0 wiki. Added a few key words to General issues and considerations, not very exciting I know but out of time this week and today dominated by dead rat under the floor boards, phew what a stink!

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Engaging with your network

Not feeling inspired by Twitter today, something to do with the fact that all books are due back today, mountains of the them, who said the book was dead? Will try and be inspired on Friday.

Monday 8 March 2010


Tweeting away merrily now. Its been slipping off my to do list for ages.

Wednesday 3 March 2010


I've had a little play with Lindedin, never heard of it before so will take a little while to work it all out. Getting better with my blogging now toooooo!

Face Book

Face book is such fun, I've been using it for some time to communicate with friends (and I have even got a garden - sad!)
How libraries can use different features, mmmm. Its all about marketing really isn't it? Events, new books, RSS feeds, BLOGS, photos, linking to SOLO etc, fans